About Vegan Eats Oxford


Hello! I’m Heather, I’m a 29 year old vegan living and working in Oxford, United Kingdom. I moved here to study when I was 19, and loved the city so much I decided to stay.

I decided to fully change my lifestyle to veganism in August 2016, and quickly realised that Oxford didn’t necessarily cater to vegans as much as I expected it to. A lot of Googling also showed me that there wasn’t too much in the way of guidance about where you can find tasty vegan food in Oxford either. I love food and am fortunate enough to be able to go out to eat fairly regularly, so I figured it would be good to share my experiences in a blog in the hope that people new to the city, or to veganism, might be doing the same kinds of searches as I was, stumble across Vegan Eats Oxford, and find the information here useful. The vegan scene in Oxford has since gone from strength to strength as the profile of the lifestyle has grown in general, and I’m happy to still share my recommendations.

You can find a comprehensive list of my reviews in my first post here, which I will keep up to date every time I visit somewhere new. In addition, please feel free to get in touch if you are visiting Oxford and looking for recommendations (or even better, if you have recommendations for me)!


I run this blog in my spare time out of my own pocket, and the majority of my reviews are carried out at restaurants without warning and paid for in full. Occasionally I will accept complimentary meals to bring you more content, which I will disclose in the article. In any case, all my reviews will remain impartial and will reflect the service that was provided honestly – that’s the point of the blog! My experiences might not be the same as yours in the end but I want to share my real thoughts to give you an idea of what to expect.